What’s on your mind?
Do you have an observation to make or a question to pose? A hot project or a burning business need? A drink recipe or stock tip to share? We’d love to hear from you. Send your message using this form and we’ll get back to you pronto! And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter . . . and follow us on social media!
Planning to stop by?
Spyglass is located in the historic Fawkes Building in the Loring Corners neighborhood on the fringe of downtown Minneapolis. The Fawkes was built in 1911 and was home to the first automobile showroom in Minneapolis, where cars were hand-made and sold by L. H. Fawkes, a former blacksmith and builder of bicycles. You can still see some of that history today in our space, with the 20-foot ceilings, large showroom windows and garage door that opens up to the back terrace (where many Spyglass meetings are held when the Minnesota weather allows).
We are located on the street level, and if you haven’t been here before, just look for the Big Orange Yeti in the front window. Metered street parking is available both in front of our main entrance, and alongside the building – with multiple overflow parking garages nearby.
1639 Hennepin Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Exploring new career opportunities?
We’re a work hard/play hard gang of overachievers who love solving problems and figuring stuff out. We are big enough to give you a linchpin role on a meaty global assignment and small enough to care about your sick kitten. Our culture is a special blend of empathy, empowerment and coffee.
We’re not a flash in the pan, the flavor of the month or a teeming sea of egos. We ARE smart, seasoned and singularly focused on showing up for our clients… again & again & again. Consistency and substance, that’s us. Yet fear not, we also know how to let loose. From grooving on the playa at Burning Man to line dancing in the streets in the Bold North, we love getting out there and shaking things up. Do you?
Current Openings

We’d love to stay connected.