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Does your brand need a cleanse?

Posted on 04.02.18 by Spyglass

Just like people who get in sluggish ruts (yes, Virginia, it was a long winter here in the Northland!), many businesses are on autopilot with their marketing efforts. For humans, scientific evidence suggests that periodic cleanses and intermittent fasting can help. For companies, Spyglass prescribes this painless assessment — followed by a proven protocol of creative interventions.

Could your brand use a healthy reset or a jumpstart?

Take the quiz.

  1. You’re stuck in a routine. You keep doing the same marketing tactics without clear results. Yet you’re hesitant to change.
  2. You’re in denial. Deep down you know things could be better but you mostly ignore that fact.
  3. You’re busy. You know your brand needs a makeover but you’re too overwhelmed to start.
  4. You’re DIY. You had professional help at one point, but now you’re doing your best to handle matters internally — with mixed results.
  5. You’ve lost perspective. You’re honestly not sure if your brand is still relevant or you’re keeping up with the competition.


If two or more of these boxes apply to you, let’s talk! Spyglass is here to help you reinvigorate your brand marketing and dial up your image and impact.