Spy5: A Conversation with Simon Nowroz
And you think YOUR business has been hit hard by the pandemic? Simon Nowroz is CMO at CWT, the world’s largest travel management company. As you can imagine, the corporate travel industry has taken a hit since COVID’s global lockdowns. But Simon has seized this opportunity to use his capacity and passion to make some lemonade… launching a startup called DxE Partners to help social innovators deliver impact at scale.
Join Molly as she asks Simon the requisite Spy5 questions (in 5 minutes, at 5 o’clock) and learns how we’re collectively rebooting and getting three new downloads/upgrades right now (hint: they’re connected to wellness, the environment and inclusivity) and how unlearning will be the key to moving forward individually and organizationally. Grab a beverage, take 5 and check it out!