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Poetry in motion: The simple, social way The New Yorker is making new connections

Posted on 03.13.17 by Spyglass

New Yorker app


We believe that anything your brand can do to regularly engage its audience and encourage others to share your content is a good idea. And those good ideas don’t necessarily have to be groundbreaking or expensive. Our newsletter is just one example.

Here’s another one we like:
The New Yorker magazine created a smart way to celebrate their love for the art of poetry. In honor of their 92nd anniversary, they’ve introduced “The New Yorker Poetry Bot” – a new app built to receive, read, listen to and share poetry. As brands look for new ways to stay relevant and connect with customers, this anniversary app is a great example of how using a little technology can keep your brand in front of your fans on a daily basis and give them a reason to share your content. If nothing else, the app can be a nice distraction from today’s ferocious news cycle or, who knows, the beginning of an inspired way to describe your next big idea.