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What’s in the (spy) glass?

  Introducing the Spyglass Cranhattan: A seasonal, Spy-inspired take on the classic Manhattan—perfect for impressing your father-in-law before the family gathering or raising guests’ spirits at your next Friendsgiving. (Caveat: One too many of these could turn you into an…

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Tedx Edina

I Spyed TEDx… in Edina!

Youth sports. Islamic women. Opioids. Oh my! These are just a few of the meaty topics that were tackled at TEDxEdina, one of our favorite events—and pro-bono projects—of the year. On a sunny Saturday earlier this month, we had the…

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It’s time to live it up!

It’s that spoooooooky time of year. In the U.S. we call it Halloween. In Mexico it’s Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). In Italy they call it Tutti i Santi (All Saints).  In India it’s Mahalaya. And in…

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Welcome to The Empathy Economy, Part 1

You’ve no doubt heard about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it’s radically transforming business and the world as we know it. But have you tuned into the complementary corollary of Emotional Intelligence — and the emergent value of “empathy”? According…

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New faces at Spyglass!

Summer’s finally here… yay! Hopefully your plans, tan (and brand) are off to a sizzling start. Here at Spyglass, we’re playing hard and busting it at work too—thanks to some stellar help from these fresh new faces. It’s time to…

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Rebiotix Celebration

A big shout-out to Rebiotix

When a company specializes in fecal transplants, it pays to have a sense of humor. Spyglass developed the “We’re #2” rally cry for the internal launch of the new brand. Congrats to Lee Jones, Spyglass client and founder of a…

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Be the Change

Are you moving through the day doing what you’ve always done—struggling with the same persistent business or brand issues? Read more to jump start whatever it is you need to do.
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Brainstorming: Yay or Nay?

The old axiom claims that there are no bad ideas… but anyone who’s been in a brainstorming session knows that’s just not true. Since cavemen first sketched on walls, humans have been capturing concepts and exploring possibilities on vertical surfaces.…

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